A short philosophy of birds - P. J. Dubois, E. Rousseau

I was looking for a book called Feline Philosophy, but it was not there, so I bought this instead. I think this is an example of a book not actually meant to be read back to back. It is short and has a nice cover and small chapters that one might find funny if read isolated but are inevitably irritating if read all together.

The whole book is essentially a variation of the formula: This species of birds does X, X is good because Y, we humans should (metaphorically) do X more!

So for example: these birds migrate, why don’t you change where you work from time to time? These birds share duties equally in the couple, humans should do that too! These birds find orientation without google maps, put down your smartphone! Etc.

It’s not per se a bad book, I just think it is not what I was looking for.