L'educazione - T. Westover

In the last years I drifted away from fiction - if you want to tell a story that did not happen you probably want to do so in order to express a message, philosophy, question, but then why not just directly write about that, which leads to non-fiction. Fiction still has a role per rilassarsi o passare il tempo, but then I would rather do something different.

Sooo I got the book anyway contravvenendo a questa prima regola e anche ad una seconda, i.e. di leggere i libri in lingua originale se ne sono in grado. The author is English so I really should have gotten in English, but then I would probably never have bought it, so we’re good like this I guess.

The book is a brilliant example of the fact that fiction needs to be realistic, but reality doesn’t. I did not know the book was in fact a memoir, and that’s really hard to believe given the content, but it is in fact true. And it’s an incredible story, and it is very well written. (Or very well translated to Italian?)

I liked the excipit a lot, I wanted to copy it here in the original but I like the original less. So I will leave the translated version here and then just be in a bad mood for the rest of the day:

Potete chiamare questa presa di coscienza in molti modi. Chiamatela trasformazione. Metamorfosi. Slealtà. Tradimento. Io la chiamo un’educazione.