Piranesi - S. Clarke

In high school (I think?) I absolutely loved Johnathan Strange & Mr. Norrell. I did not know back then, but it has something (more than something, a lot) borgesian to it, at least in my memory, where it remained for all the quotes and references to books that did not exist. I remember taking carefully notes of the most interesting ones to look them up after having finished the book - naïve, I know, but hey -, and then being in this state of somehow both awe and disappointment in discovering they were all made up. I will buy it again to read it in original, I saw that Clarke also wrote another book set in the same universe afterwards which I have not read again.

I have not much to say about this book other than I am really happy it exists. It is not particularly memorable, I read it in one day and it brought me to a happy place and now that I am back I still am there a bit and this feels good.

Part of me thinks rereading Johnathan Strange & Mr. Norrell will inevitably lead to disappointment, essentially because this is how nostalgia works, part of me thinks the book actually was good, but this is also essentially how nostalgia works, but now that I thought about I have to go through with it.