The man from the future - A. Bhattacharya

This is the biography Dirac would have deserved. It is very well written and one can tell that the author has some background in the field. I was mainly interested in the character of Von Neumann - it is hard to tell what these big minds have in common. I also wanted to see what he was working on outside of mathematics. While I do not have much to report, one must say that the book does answer all the questions - it does not really propose further (accessible) material to read, but maybe there just isn’t further accessible material to read. With this I mean that Wolfram’s A New Kind Of Science is possibly interesting, but I do not really know and it is one thousand two hundred pages long, so I think I’ll pass.

One quote about Von Neumann:

Other mathematicians prove what they can, Von Neumann proves what he wants.